SUMMER MISSION 2022 SOCAL (LA) NORCAL NY ATLANTA BOSTON will updated after 2023 summer applications process.
Category: SM
BOSTON SUMMER MISSION Join us this summer as staff and college students go around the worldto bring the good news to the people who need Jesus and see God move in their lives! Through the mission, students will bring the Gospel to those who are in need of Jesus, learn about God’s heart for the […]
Summer Mission Assignments Atlanta mission Welcome to Summer Missions with SOON Movement Global Atlanta! God is doing great things overseas and in the US – He is inviting YOU to come with Him! Join SOON Movement in shareing the love of Christ with students in Thailand this year~! Let’s do something extraordinary with God in […]
NORCAL summer MISSION The global pandemic altered the lives of the global community drastically. What used to be the norm isn’t the norm anymore. However, two things didn’t change: Over 7 billion people in the world still need to hear the gospel God has not stopped doing His works to turn the people to Him […]
NY SUMMER MISSION Join us this summer as staff and college students go around the worldto bring the good news to the people who need Jesus and see God move in their lives! Through the mission, students will bring the Gospel to those who are in need of Jesus, learn about God’s heart for the […]
SOCAL summer Missions Join us this summer as staff and college students go around the world to bring the good news to the people who need Jesus and see God move in their lives! Through the mission, students will bring the Gospel to those who are in need of Jesus, learn about God’s heart for […]
240 were reach out to 203 individual conversations 88 spiritual conversations 23 Gospel Presentation 7 made the decision to follow Christ 65 Social Media post GOD WAS SO FAITHFUL IN STIRRING THE HEARTS OF OUR STUDENTS Praise God for that He has done in moving the hearts of our students to share their faith by […]
2025 God is moving all over the world, and He invites you to be a part of something extraordinary. Discover how to live out your unique design as you grow in your faith, experience community on mission, and make an eternal impact by helping people know Jesus on a summer mission! LOG IN FIND MORE […]
STUDENT’S TESTIMONY Ask, and it shall be given unto you. When I first went witnessing, my heart was so rotten. I was definitely self-righteous. I think I went into it thinking that this was the ultimate level of “holy.” I was trying to do all these works to feel worthy of God’s love, but this […]
STUDENT’S TESTIMONY -bst I’ll be okay if I get rejected 100 times if I can get one good conversation. Powerful testimony and encouragement for all current bsters! John Cung – UCR