Join us this summer as staff and college students go around the world
to bring the good news to the people who need Jesus and see God move in their lives!
Through the mission, students will bring the Gospel to those who are in need of Jesus, learn about God’s heart for the world, grow close to God, and experience the meaning of Christian community.
Early Bird: $70 BY 2/1
Regular: $100 BY 2/24
will be announced
We will meet weekly for missions training and planning.
A-City, Asia Minor
Tokyo, Japan
H-City, South East Asia
First Wave: 6/5-7/10
Early Bird: $70 BY 2/1
Regular: $100 BY 2/24
will be announced
We will meet weekly for missions training and planning.
Asia Minor is predominantly a Muslim country. It is located in the Middle East and is considered an unreached country. For over 1,000 years, this region was a stronghold of Christianity. Later it became a center for the spread of Islam..
Asia Minor is predominantly a Muslim country. It is located in the Middle East and is considered an unreached country. For over 1,000 years, this region was a stronghold of Christianity. Later it became a center for the spread of Islam. There are 1,000 colleges, but there is very little specific campus ministry apart from a few major cities. We will have an English club to befriend students and introduce them to Christ.
The students are friendly and look forward to share life with you. Discuss, play, drink a lot of tea as you do life together.
Dictated by consumerist ideals and goals, when a person’s world falls apart in Japan, they believe that they have nothing left to push on for. Suicides are too much of a norm in this country. Though there is a lot of spiritual warfare and resistance, there is an increase of hunger for people to know the Gospel. The harvest is ready in Japan….
Dictated by consumerist ideals and goals, when a person’s world falls apart in Japan, they believe that they have nothing left to push on for. Suicides are too much of a norm in this country. Though there is a lot of spiritual warfare and resistance, there is an increase of hunger for people to know the Gospel. The harvest is ready in Japan.
Many are searching for purpose and hope. Assist them in seeing that God’s peace is the only thing capable of helping them move forward.
Come and help them believe the words, “Give me Jesus!”
War. Communism. A heaping bowl of noodles. Perhaps these are the things that first come to mind when you first think of SEA. But, in recent years, the country has grown through open doors and economic reforms. General stability within the country has risen as the country has strayed from its stringent Communist ideals.
Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have strongly influenced the religious and cultural life of the people. About 85% of the people from SEA identify with Buddhism, though not all practice on a regular basis. Although the people of SEA are familiar with Christianity because of the country’s ties with the Western world, only about 8% of the population call themselves Christians.
Friendly students await conversations. Come and experience the Holy Spirit as He arranges divine appointments with various students.