I wanted to start BST training to reach out to those
who wasn’t had the opportunity to know God personally.

I started my BST training during my sophomore year… A little backstory..During my freshman year, I barely attended any events including BST and would always give excuses that my commute was too long or that I had work. During this time, my soonjang, a stint from Korea, would always reach out to me to partake in campus activities AND for our SMI. She would text me on a daily basis for TWO months before we had our first SMI and after a whole semester and a half of ghosting and flaking out on her, I was FINALLY persuaded to join our ministry. Over time, I really got to understand how much she had invested her time in me despite only being here for one year before she went back to her home country. Long story short, I told my soonjang during Higher Calling that I wanted to start BST training to reach out to those who wasn’t had the opportunity to know God personally like I once did. Happy ending? NAH.

Once BST training started, there was this fear that started to grow in me… “What if I wasn’t good enough? What if my soonwon was a rebel and I can’t reach out to her like my soonjang did because I’m incapable? Or what if my soonwon was better than me? Would I be a good soonjang? Maybe I should start when I’m more mature and wise”These random thoughts started occurring in my mind and I started contemplating if I was capable. During that time, God really responded back and slapped me with the truth :’) I realized that my maturity in faith doesn’t occur instantly like a light bulb and was a process that grows over time. Nor was my maturity about how righteous or how holy I was but about Jesus and how my desire was from my honest love for him and his people. We are always growing and by waiting for that “perfect” timing, we can end up delaying the plan and purpose God have for us. I don’t know where you are in your walk in faith or what your situation is like… but I don’t think being part of this ministry or even reading this “testimony” was a mere coincidence. If you have even the smallest thought about discipleship (becoming a soonjang) you should totally join our BST training. @ SOON Movement – KCCC – Los Angeles

Sharon Hyun

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