Category: News

Hi guys~ It’s that time of the year again! Our annual Sports Day is coming(YAY). In the midst of busy school year, let’s have some fun! Come out and join brothers and sisters from Agnes Scott, GT, GSU, Emory, and UGA! It’s going to be a day filled with food, games, fellowship and friends! This […]

Hi Sisters! We will be having a lock-in for you all. YAY! We would begin at 5pm to have dinner with you all (Avery 433- Roxanna will cook.. No fake-Asian food at Evans Yay). Then, we would go to gethsemane together! From there, we will have little snack- most likely BUBBLE TEA! and then activities! […]

HI!!! This might be a little late, but welcome to IMPACT ATL! Since we haven’t really had an opportunity to hangout and meet each other / engage in fellowship, we’ll be hosting a KIMBAP MAKING PARTY during KCCC’s usual meeting time on Thursday. We’ll be assembling, rolling, slicing, and of course EATING yummy yummy kimbap […]   These four people really REALLY want to pray with you this Friday. Why are they so excited? Come through and find out! Kick Off Gethsemane is the first official Friday prayer gathering of the semester. Take part in the prayer movement of college students just like you in the NY/NJ region! We can […]

We know you were planning to come to send our STINTers off tomorrow at Gethsemane. This is important information for YOU! Location has changed to the SOON Movement NY Office. Please change travel plans accordingly! (B,D,F,M at 47-50 St Rockefeller Center is the closest subway station!)    

Jesus says to us, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” He calls us to be His disciples – but have you been wondering what that actually means in your life? Great! Basic Discipleship Training will help you answer that question! BDT is a five-week program that will teach young men and […]

Basic Discipleship Training Video Want to hear about BDT from some of our training program graduates? Here are some students at Columbia University, sharing about why they took BDT and how they were able to grow!  

Gethsemane Prayer Meeting for all campuses started in Aug. 24th. It was good to see all our members again and newcomers. We have the Gethsemane Prayer Meeting every Friday at 7:30 pm. We like to see you next week too.

Welcome to the campus. Here is the rough schedule of Soon Movement Welcome Week of each campus. UGA Sign up: 8/13-16(M-Th) 10am to 4pm Korean BBQ night: 8/14 Tue. 6:30pm at MLC Pizza and Orientation: 8:16 Thu. 6:30 pm GT Sign up: 8:20-23 (M-Th) 10 am to 4 pm Korean BBQ night: 8/21 Tue.6pm @ […]

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